January 20, 2024

What are you thinking...? No Need to Appease

What are you thinking...? No Need to Appease

Hi There Sister, and welcome to the swirling of thoughts…

Today is gonna a bit spicy, there is no sugar here…

A bit done playing in dollhouses
and know all my ABC's-
plus crossing the T’s

Topic: The Good Girl Archetype: Breaking Free from Opinions

In a world filled with expectations and stereotypes, the "good girl" archetype has been ingrained in society for generations.

It’s an inherited wound, one that many have attempted to bury inside churches, religious frameworks, and it’s a collective trauma that is rooted in the dark history

The witches wound of the Burning Times of the healers, the seekers, one that stood inside deep levels of Truth and that manifests inside each woman today…?

It’s deep rooted fears of being seen, speaking up, and stepping into your full magick and the influence you exude

… sometimes when words aren’t even necessary in the landscape.

During the Burning Times, tens of thousands of innocent women and men were imprisoned, tortured, and executed in the most inhuman and brutal of ways: burning, beheading, drowning, hanging.

That’s the TRUTH.

Those accused who escaped execution were exiled from the feeling of safety were ostracized from their entire circle of communities, stripped of their status, and pushed out of their vocations off to the abyss…

Let’s get crystal clear about this, these were women- women who served in a place of healing, the Goddesses, the full expressions

To bring unity with the depth of compassion and the widths of empathy

The sad part, the alarming piece:
…each one was painted as demonic

to further an agenda
And very few, want to talk about it.


from a young age, girls are taught to be polite, obedient, and nurturing, all while smiling and looking pretty, crossing her right leg over at the knee

Sitting in her Sunday’s best;
primp and preen.

It's an image that has been glorified and perpetuated, but what about the negative aspects of this archetype…?

What happens when the pressure to fit into this mold

becomes overwhelming, tiring
and unraveling at the seams…

The good girl archetype may initially seem harmless, even desirable.

After all, who wouldn't want to be seen as kind, responsible, and well-behaved…?

That word makes me CRINGE



… underneath the surface
lies a dangerous undercurrent
of expectation and suppression.

The pressure to constantly please others, to suppress one's own desires and needs, and to conform to societal standards

can take a toll on a HER mental health and the fullest expression of herSELF.

For many women, the good girl archetype becomes a prison, trapping HER, the creative holographic cubes in a cycle of self-sacrifice
and people-pleasing.

Dying on the inside while perfecting her filters

“I’m OK, no- really I am” she’s learned to say

And everyone believes this masquerading…

She becomes so focused on being "good"

and meeting others' expectations that she loses sight of their own dreams and aspirations.

The constant pressure to live up to an impossible standard, to do as she’s told, to not create any waves…

… leading to feelings of

anxiety, self-doubt, depression
and migraines

No longer able to fully align in the masculine of the vertical
- the thoughts, the feels and the do

and the feminine of the horizontal
- the receiving, the giving and the intention

The negative aspects of the good girl archetype extend beyond just the woman that choosing this facade...

This contributes to a larger societal issue of gender inequality in the future unknown and further oppression for the little girls that are watching you close.

Sorry not sorry-
TRUTH again for you.

By enforcing traditional gender roles and expectations, the archetype limits women's potential and perpetuates the notion that each should be submissive and passive.

Even in moments of being violated.

When she says NO,
and he takes whatever he wanted…

It reinforces the idea this disillusionment that women should not strive for their own success
and self independence…

but instead prioritize the needs
and desires of others.


it doesn't have to be this way.

It really doesn’t.

It's time to break free from the negative cycle of the good girl archetype and reclaim our power.

It's time to embrace our individuality, speak our minds,
and pursue our dreams without fear of judgment or retribution.

It's time to reject the confines of traditional gender roles and redefine what it means to be a woman.

WHO is she…?

… standing in full autonomy, standing in sovereignty,
and being 100% with no fucks given.

{ said it was going to be spicy, way up there, have a difficult time
with ‘adapting’ or coping, neither world works for me …}

Breaking free from the good girl archetype may not be an easy mountain to head up, feels a bit like straight vertical…

… but it is possible.

1. It starts with recognizing the negative impact it has on our lives and the lives of others.

2. It involves challenging the societal norms that perpetuate this archetype and refusing to conform
to the outdated and archaic expectations.

3. It requires us to prioritize our own well-being and happiness over the need to appease others opinions.

In essence, the more you notice when you say YES, when the answer inside of you was

- awwww no

You’ll begin to see the patterns.

You’ll begin to stop accept the breadcrumbs from your own table and begin removing yourself from relationships that are non-serving..

You’ll begin to stop feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to fit into the good girl archetype

Embrace your authenticity

Speak your truth

Live in the Margins
And pursue your own path.

It's time, my love…

…to break free from the cycle
and rewrite the narrative.

YOU, Sister are so much more.

Willing to join me, in rewriting a new narrative

reach me at 

And we’ll send you the details of where to begin.

And before I go,

it’s time to show the world
what you're truly capable of.

Appreciate you stopping in;
will be seeing you soon~
Lisa @ The Sigma Société

Hi There Sister, and welcome to the swirling of thoughts…

Today is gonna a bit spicy, there is no sugar here…

A bit done playing in dollhouses
and know all my ABC's-
plus crossing the T’s

Topic: The Good Girl Archetype: Breaking Free from Opinions

In a world filled with expectations and stereotypes,
the "good girl" archetype has been ingrained in society
for generations.

It’s an inherited wound, one that many have attempted
to bury inside churches, religious frameworks, and it’s a collective trauma
that is rooted in the dark history

The witches wound of the Burning Times of the healers,
the seekers, one that stood inside deep levels of Truth

 and that manifests inside each woman today…?

It’s deep rooted fears of being seen, speaking up,
and stepping into your full magick and the influence you exude

… sometimes when words aren’t even necessary in the landscape.

During the Burning Times, tens of thousands of innocent women
and men were imprisoned, tortured, and executed in the most inhuman
and brutal of ways: burning, beheading, drowning, hanging.

That’s the TRUTH.

Those accused who escaped execution were exiled from the feeling of safety
were ostracized from their entire circle of communities, stripped of their status,
and pushed out of their vocations off to the abyss…

Let’s get crystal clear about this, these were women-
women who served in a place of healing, the Goddesses, the full expressions

To bring unity with the depth of compassion
and the widths of empathy

The sad part, the alarming piece:
…each one was painted as demonic

to further an agenda
And very few, want to talk about it.


from a young age, girls are taught to be polite, obedient, and nurturing,
all while smiling and looking pretty, crossing her right leg over at the knee

Sitting in her Sunday’s best; primp and preen.

It's an image that has been glorified and perpetuated,
but what about the negative aspects of this archetype…?

What happens when the pressure to fit into this mold
becomes overwhelming, tiring and unraveling at the seems…?

The good girl archetype may initially seem harmless, even desirable.

After all, who wouldn't want to be seen as kind,
responsible, and well-behaved…?

That word makes me CRINGE



… underneath the surface lies a dangerous undercurrent
of expectation and suppression.

The pressure to constantly please others,
to suppress one's own desires and needs,
and to conform to societal standards

can take a toll on a HER mental health
and the fullest expression of herSELF.

For many women, the good girl archetype becomes a prison,
trapping HER, the creative holographic cubes in a cycle of self-sacrifice
and people-pleasing.

Dying on the inside while perfecting her filters

“I’m OK, no- really I am” she’s learned to say

And everyone believes this masquerading…

She becomes so focused on being "good"
and meeting others' expectations that she loses sight
of their own dreams and aspirations.

The constant pressure to live up to an impossible standard,
to do as she’s told, to not create any waves…

… leading to feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, depression and migraines

No longer able to fully align in the masculine of the vertical
- the thoughts, the feels and the do

and the feminine of the horizontal
- the receiving, the giving and the intention

The negative aspects of the good girl archetype
extend beyond just the woman that choosing this facade...

This contributes to a larger societal issue
of gender inequality in the future unknown and further oppression
for the little girls that are watching you close.

Sorry not sorry-
TRUTH again for you.

By enforcing traditional gender roles and expectations,
the archetype limits women's potential and perpetuates the notion
that each should be submissive and passive.

Even in moments of being violated.

When she says NO, and he takes whatever he wanted…

It reinforces the idea this disillusionment
that women should not strive for their own success
and self independence…

but instead prioritize the needs
and desires of others.


it doesn't have to be this way.

It really doesn’t.

It's time to break free from the negative cycle
of the good girl archetype and reclaim our power.

It's time to embrace our individuality, speak our minds,
and pursue our dreams without fear of judgment or retribution.

It's time to reject the confines of traditional gender roles
and redefine what it means to be a woman.

WHO is she…?

… standing in full autonomy, standing in sovereignty,
and being 100% with no fucks given.

{ said it was going to be spicy, way up there, have a difficult time
with ‘adapting’ or coping, neither world works for me …}

Breaking free from the good girl archetype
may not be an easy mountain to head up, feels a bit like a straight vertical…

… but it is possible.

1. It starts with recognizing the negative impact
it has on our lives and the lives of others.

2. It involves challenging the societal norms
that perpetuate this archetype and refusing to conform
to the outdated and archaic expectations.

3. It requires us to prioritize our own well-being
and happiness over the need to appease others opinions.

In essence, the more you notice when you say YES,
When the answer inside of you was - awwww no

You’ll begin to see the patterns.

You’ll begin to stop accepting the breadcrumbs
from your own table and begin removing yourself
from relationships that are non-serving.

You’ll begin to stop feeling overwhelmed
by the pressure to fit into the good girl archetype

Embrace your authenticity

Speak your truth

Live in the Margins
And pursue your own path.

It's time, my love…

…to break free from the cycle
and rewrite the narrative.

YOU, Sister are so much more.

Willing to join me, in rewriting a new narrative

Reach me at: thetribe@alphawarriorwomen.com

And we’ll send you the details of where to begin.

And before I go,

it’s time to show the world
what you're truly capable of.

Appreciate you stopping in;
will be seeing you soon~
Lisa @ The Sigma Société