If you're feeling a lack of clarity
and dwindling away each night... 

we'll show you precisely how to bring your ideas and visions to fully experience life into a crafted reality.  

➺yes, please show me how...

for women
who are ready
to embody their 
inner power
and unique self by mastering the art form of dying

 mindset consulting for women
who are ready to embody their 
inner power and unique self
by mastering the art form of dying...

It's time to develop unshakeable self confidence, releasing toxic relationships and all the excess baggage that comes with these
past histories.

To thrive in the fractals moments, feeling the atonement, and to transform every aspect of life through inner self love work and rewiring the subconscious mind through the CG.Jung Archetypes and healing patterns which are
in moving forward.

Breaking Archaic Belief Systems and Rewriting Spiritual Codes

 - thus, creating meaning
in multiple dimensions
of living...

... bring the Wild Imagination into Reality

without any apologies.

It's time to develop unshakeable self confidence, releasing toxic relationships
and all the excess baggage that comes with these past histories.

To thrive in the fractals moments, feeling the atonement, and to transform
every aspect of life through inner self love work and rewiring the subconscious mind through
the C.G.Jung Archetypes and healing patterns which are non-serving in moving forward.

Breaking Archaic Belief Systems and Rewriting Spiritual Codes

 - thus, creating meaning in multiple dimensions of living...

... bring the Wild Imagination into Reality
without any apologies. period.

Join the next invitation

Speak Boldly *** Feel Deeply *** Be You
Speak Boldly *** Feel Deeply *** Be You
Speak Boldly *** Feel Deeply *** Be You
Speak Boldly *** Feel Deeply *** Be You
Speak Boldly *** Feel Deeply *** Be You
Speak Boldly *** Feel Deeply *** Be You
Speak Boldly *** Feel Deeply *** Be You
Speak Boldly *** Feel Deeply *** Be You
Speak Boldly *** Feel Deeply *** Be You
Speak Boldly *** Feel Deeply *** Be You

Alpha Warrior Women...

Women are multi-dimensional.  

Which also makes us very complex...

for the individuals 
that are unable to grasp themselves.

In all actuality, we are Divinely Created- 
- so much so, that we are the interwoven fabric of the earth. 

So, what does this group do...
... instead of coming to grips with their own insecurities? 

They project their own limited perspective onto us...

... with the list of labels -
some that hurt the heart
more than others

the ones of: that we aren't good enough 
we are too much, we're too quiet

or we're just simply not hitting
the mark. 

Eventually, we learn to adopt these...
... and we learn how to wear the facade' so well, we find ourselves at a crossroad-

that we don't even recognize own self-reflection anymore staring at us in the mirror. 

See, what IF I shared with you this simple truth- 

You, Sister were never placed on earth to appease anyone, 
let alone contort yourself to fit inside some box, 
and you are able to sign your own permission slip to just

BE You- 

And inside of this, we are indeed quite simple for the ones that don't participate in a shallow game of living life. 

for the Love of God-
> refuse to walk in the past of making similar universal mistakes and carry luggage that never belonged to you. 

We're created and celebrated in all walks of life from the time of being born...

... leading through transitions
of discovering our soul purpose

our Own Divine mission over and over again while living here and prior to departing this earth. 
We come to a point of our journey...
inside of life...


almost relentlessly asking...

ONE simple-
yet very interconnected question...

"What am I called to create
and how is the soul expressed fully...?"

Wandering aimlessly can flood our entire vessel with a series of unanswered questions...

leading to a very dark place inside of our path if the answer is lost somewhere in the abyss. 

Where we, as women, go into auto-pilot just surfacing at the mediocrity...
we become complacent...

and doing "just enough"...

to survive waking up
and going through the motions of life. 

Except, here's the tough reality-
the fact is...

we aren't TRULY living Life. 

Eventually, this leads to ONE thing-

slowly dying. 

Maybe not physically per se'
except when you dig in deep enough- 

emotionally it's like we fall into
being NUMB...

that is the most crumbling of it all...
it's shattering...

unsure which way is up. 

For every single one of us-

OUR soul-driven purpose...

will have to be discovered to shift
this massive dynamic. 

This births...
the WARRIOR, the divinity of masculine energy, the life force beneath our layers of fears...

unlocking the Huntress, the Mystic, which begins to express creativity of the feminine essence...

and here, arrives the release from the realms of false beliefs that have held us captive in decades of the past yesterdays.  

Our community, the Sigma Société, is built on the foundation  of uplifting one another through trials...

celebrating milestones
of life achievements.  

Each one of us are on the pursuit to be our own version of our Unique Intricate Facets...
... like our own individual blueprint- 
while simultaneously connecting to the center of our soul.

We embrace the difficult moments as a place of learning...

to create our journey to live in our authenticity, without the approval of others...

then to magnify this LIGHT with a driven purpose. 

We won’t apologize for speaking our truth, we won't sit on the sidelines- witnessing life pass us by, and we’ll uphold one another in the places of mud...
... to meet each other exactly where we are in our path, walking home. 

We are fascinating...

We are complex...

We are simple...

We are Beautiful...

in the fingerprints we are able to leave on the world...

when we make the decision to
step into our own UNIQUE matrix

as individuals
and as a collective whole. 

This journey here is for
encouraging one another...

because let’s face it,

Women are a Powerful Force...

as strong as we are alone...

We intensify in our circle of strength...

we magnify our Courage...

when we embrace each other in OUR Incredible Power.

Alpha Warrior Women...

Women are multi-dimensional.  

Which also makes us very complex...

for the individuals 
that are unable to grasp themselves.

In all actuality, we are Divinely Created- 
- so much so, that we are the interwoven fabric of the earth. 

So, what does this group do...
... instead of coming to grips with their own insecurities? 

They project their own limited perspective onto us...

... with the list of labels -
some that hurt the heart more than others
the ones of: that we aren't good enough
we are too much, we're too quiet

or we're just simply not hitting the mark. 

Eventually, we learn to adopt these...
... and we learn how to wear the facade' so well, 
we find ourselves at a crossroad-

that we don't even recognize own self-reflection 
anymore staring at us in the mirror. 

See, what IF I shared with you this simple truth- 

You, Sister were never placed on earth to appease anyone, 
let alone contort yourself to fit inside some box, 
and you are able to sign your own permission slip to just

BE You- 

And inside of this, we are indeed quite simple
for the ones that don't participate in a shallow game of living life. 

for the Love of God-
> refuse to walk in the past of making similar universal mistakes and carry luggage that never belonged to you. 

We're created and celebrated in all walks of life from the time of being born...

...leading through transitions of discovering our soul purpose,

our Own Divine mission over and over again while living here and prior to departing this earth. 
We come to a point of our journey...
inside of life...
almost relentlessly asking...

ONE simple- yet very interconnected question...

"What am I called to create
and how is the soul expressed fully...?"

Wandering aimlessly can flood our entire vessel with a series of unanswered questions...
leading to a very dark place inside of our path if the answer is lost somewhere in the abyss. 

Where we, as women, go into auto-pilot just surfacing at the mediocrity...
we become complacent...

and doing "just enough"...

to survive waking up
and going through the motions of life. 

Except, here's the tough reality-
the fact is...

we aren't TRULY living Life. 

Eventually, this leads to ONE thing-

slowly dying. 

Maybe not physically per se'
except when you dig in deep enough- 

emotionally it's like we fall into being NUMB...

that is the most crumbling of it all...
it's shattering...

unsure which way is up. 

For every single one of us- OUR soul-driven purpose...
will have to be discovered to shift this massive dynamic. 

This births...
the WARRIOR, the divinity of masculine energy, the life force beneath our layers of fears...

unlocking the Huntress, the Mystic, which begins to express creativity of the feminine essence...

and here, arrives the release from the realms of false beliefs that have held us captive in decades of the past yesterdays.  

Our community, the Sigma Société, is built on the foundation  of uplifting one another through trials...
celebrating milestones of life achievements.  

Each one of us are on the pursuit to be our own version of our Unique Intricate Facets...
... like our own individual blueprint- 
while simultaneously connecting to the center of our soul.

We embrace the difficult moments as a place of learning...
to create our journey to live in our authenticity,
without the approval of others...

then to magnify this LIGHT with a driven purpose. 

We won’t apologize for speaking our truth, we won't sit on the sidelines- witnessing life pass us by, and we’ll uphold one another in the places of mud...
... to meet each other exactly where we are in our path, walking home. 

We are fascinating...

We are complex...

We are simple...

We are Beautiful...

in the fingerprints we are able to leave on the world...
when we make the decision to step into our own UNIQUE matrix, as individuals and as a collective whole. 

This journey here is for encouraging one another...

because let’s face it,

Women are a Powerful Force...

as strong as we are alone...

We intensify in our circle of strength...

we magnify our Courage...

when we embrace each other in OUR Incredible Power.

slowing down the pace...

breathing into the Visions.



the Alpha state of being- 
is all about the brain waves, the neural oscillations in the frequency range of 8–12 hz  sourcing the space of creativity of the theta frequency

the ability to harness these waves opens up this portal to enter a flow state

allowing you to do deep work with less effort.

the alpha state of BEing- is all about the brain waves, the neural oscillations in the frequency range of 8–12 hz with sourcing the space of creativity
the ability to harness these waves opens up this portal to enter a flow state
allowing you to do deep work with less effort.

trusting the whisper of guidance...

replenish experience

alpha waves induce feelings of calm, increase creativity,
and enhance your ability to absorb new information

crafting your visions

we help  visionaries
to bring ideas into reality...

This is the initial step of unraveling, the understanding of who you are, your innate abilities, moving through fears to embracing the pieces of your unique journey that has led you to here, now.

In this initial stage, we go through how to release feelings of guilt, shame, overwhelm, feeling invisible, isolated the most common fears of being alone, lost and confused.

We open up areas that have held you captive in order to process tough places to find the courage in embracing the confidence that has been secretly hanging out beneath all the muck to be seen to explore living a life waiting for you to arrive!

the soul journey
the daily journaling

This is where it all begins...
...to live life on your terms. 

Through this detailed 30-day experience- you'll learn:

1. What does it mean to
... live outside of the lines...? 
... live unapologetically...?
... stand in your vulnerability...? 
... write your own journey ahead...? 

This isn't an experience that includes a glass of wine, with a book to read in a hammock.

it is designed to get you to face some hard truths- look at the facts of what is sitting at your table and create transformational shifts.

This is where it all begins...
...to live life on your terms. 

Through this detailed 30-day experience-
you'll learn:

What does it mean to live outside of the lines...? 
What does it mean to live unapologetically...? 
What does it mean to stand in your vulnerability...? 
What does it mean to write your own journey ahead...? 

This isn't an experience that includes a glass of wine, with a book to read in a hammock.

it is designed to get you to face some hard truths- 
look at the facts of what is sitting at your table and create transformational shifts.

Replenish experience

The complete program is designed to bring you through a four step process of the DIVE Method™

in creating your online business from seed to scale or if you're stuck inside a transitionary season and unable which way to go. 

This is the strategy system and frameworks of pulling together your entire life in harmony all the while your thriving business shifts you into providing your needs, wants, and desires in truly living life.

... you'll learn all about Automation, implementation of systems, tasks, and giving you the capability of focusing your attention towards the top 2% of the business, giving you 98% of your time into doing what you love the most; truly living life. 


The complete program is designed to bring you through a four step process of the DIVE Method™
in creating your online business from seed to scale
or if you're stuck inside a transitionary season and unable which way to go. 

This is the strategy system and frameworks of pulling together your entire life in harmony all the while your thriving business shifts you into providing your needs, wants, and desires in truly living life. 

....you'll learn all about Automation, implementation of systems, tasks, and giving you the capability of focusing your attention towards the top 2% of the business, giving you 98% of your time into doing what you love the most; truly living life. 


the DIVE Method™️



empowering women to live their soul-driven life

- learn more

We intensify in our circle of strength...
We magnify our Courage
And we Embrace each other...

what does it mean to be whole...? 

to break out of the social constructs to create your own pathway...
.. that's what we do here. 

we break the rules, we no longer subscribe to opinions, and we show the world what we're made of, without apologies. 

hi friends, i'm Lisa.

back to programs

the daily experience

the soul journey
unraveling limiting beliefs
breaking upper limits
reaching for a life by design

back to programs

the replenish experience

30 day experience
Comprehensive workbook and actionable steps to accelerate confidence
Heart Centric Community of women
The Voyage System
- dom·i·na·trix playbook

back to Programs

the Dive Method

7-week program
4 week framework of d.i.v.e
workbook, templates, systems
3 Complete Flow System of Funnel Pages & automated
Professionally Crafted Copy Templates for Landing Pages, order forms, emails, etc.
Private 12- Month Membership Group

7-week program
4 week framework of d.i.v.e

workbook, templates, systems

3 complete flow systems of funnels, automated 

professionally crafted copy templates for landing pages, order forms, emails, etc.

private 12-mo. membership

YES!!! I do not know where I would without being 
surrounded and lifted up by such strong women. 

Ever since our talk, I have
had soooo much clarity and fire
that I feel like NOTHING
can stop my mission 🙌 

YES!!! I do not know where I would without being 
surrounded and lifted up by such strong women. 

Ever since our talk, I have had soooo much clarity and fire
that I feel like NOTHING can stop my mission 🙌 

- Kaci

-- You are stuck with me, I don't know what I'd do without you, you are my ride -n- die.

- Roddina

I absolutely love working with Lisa! She is the most responsible and efficient person I've ever worked with. She makes things really simple and pops those funnels like there is no tomorrow. If you are stuck in a techno bubble, you need Lisa to get your brand spinning on top of Google. And if you need help with organic content and free traffic, she will blow your mind with her top notch strategies that most people can't even wrap their mind around. Lisa is an essential piece for a successful digital marketing strategy and her team is simply the best! 

- Olga

thanks! we'll be in touch shortly.